
Help & FAQ


We are constantly working to expand our network of placement partners, and working to ensure we have trusted partners for every willing family. If there is a placement partner you would like to see added to our network, please let us know.

Yes! We are officially recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. You should always consult your tax advisor for advice about specific tax situations, but your donation to A Fearless Life is eligible for deduction.

We would love to see a reduction in the financial cost to adopt. While recognizing that every child is priceless, the financial burden on adoptive families is very real and significant. Adopting from foster care is dramatically less expensive than traditional domestic or international adoption, and in many jurisdictions can even be completed free-of-charge to the adoptive family. However, we feel strongly that an adoptive family is best prepared for this life-changing endeavor when they have the benefit of a placement partner. That is why we work with donors to fund those relationships. We are constantly working with our partners to find ways to lower this cost and maximize donor dollars. We want as many children as possible to find their forever homes!

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Invest in a Fearless Family

We invite families to adopt from foster care, and invite donors to pay for those adoptions. For every $7,500 raised, a foster child is adopted into a forever family, free of any legal, agency, or licensing fees.